As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.” -Psalm 55:16-17 (KJV)
Thursday, May 5, 2022
National Day of Prayer! Pray for church (full body of Christ), family, neighbors, and country meets. Thank God for His many blessings.
Happy Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 8, 2022, gifts will be given out after the morning worship.
Sunday, May 8th
1) We will accept donations for the Scholarship Ministry. Offering envelopes will be in the bulletin. Donations can be made online write: “Scholarship Ministry” in the ‘Write a Comment‘ section of the donation box.
2) Girls for Pearls class will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am.
3) Counsel Training class will be in the Fellowship Hall @ 1pm after the Morning Worship.
Saturday, May 14th
Women of Faith ministry will meet at 9:30AM in the Fellowship Hall to get ready for the give-away.
Fabric Ministry will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 12Noon.
Saturday, May 28th
Men’s Fellowship Breakfast will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 10am.
Wednesday, June 1st
***Women of Faith ministry will meet before bible study to get ready for the give-away. We are still collecting clean gently used spring/summer clothing for men, women, children, infants, and Non-Perishable foods. Donations can be left in the back foyer. Thank you.
Food and Clothing Drive for Giveaway Event
1. Gently used summer clothing for adults and children.Donations may be left in the Fellowship Hall.
Leave these donations in the box in the back foyer. DO NOT donate items that are about to expire. Thank you.
Interactive Bulletin Ministry
Prayer Tree in the Fellowship: the Women of Faith want to pray for you. They have put up a paper tree in the Fellowship Hall. From the double doors, it is on the righthand side of the room. If you have a special prayer request, write it on the sticky note provided and press it onto the branches of the tree. Feel free to add these prayer request to your daily prayers.
The Women of Faith have set up aNeed / Have Bulletin Board in the Fellowship Hall. From the double doors, the Need/Have Board is near the Prayer Tree on the righthand side of the room. If you have a need (stroller, side table, linens) then, write it on the sticky note provided and post it along with your name and contact information to the Need Side of the bulletin board and perhaps someone will have an item to fill your need. Also, if you have an item (your kids or grandkids have outgrown toys, clothes, perhaps you no longer require an item thats appropriate to regift or your redecorating) then, post it with your name and contact information to the Have Side of the bulletin board. Together, we can be a blessing as the Lord has enabled us.
Baby bottle banks
Can be found in in the Sanctuary and the back foyer.Throw in your loose change, dollars or checks.
Moneys are used for purchasing a sonagram machine for the SonRays Ministries.
Women of Faith’s SPRING BAZAAR.
1) Ladies Sunday Morning Growth & Development Class starts at 10am in the Fellowship Hall (currently studying Proverbs).
2) Men’s Sunday morning Growth & Development Class starts at 10am in the library.
3) Girls for Pearls class will meet in the Fellowship Hall at 11:30am on the 2nd and 4thSundays of the Month.
4) Don’t forget to wear your face mask and to practice social distancing while in the building. Sit in the pews marked by the blue tape.