As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.” -Psalm 55:16-17 (KJV)
Wednesday, February 1st
6:30PM – Evening Bible Study and Prayer Service
**This Sunday: The Annual Meeting of the Congregation**
Immediately after morning worship. Agenda includes the 2022 Current Expense Report, the 2023 Proposed Budget, and election of Trustees and Official Board members (position listed below). If you would like to be a member of the Board, you can still place a nomination:
Assistant Moderator
Church Clerk
Assistant Clerk Financial Secretary
Current Expense Treasurer;
Benevolence Treasurer
Church School Super intendent
Assistant Superintendent
Church Representatives for the Trustees & Official Board
**Lost and Found**
Did you lose something? You might find it in the Lost and Found box (located on the table in back foyer).
**Offering Envelopes**
There are still Offering envelopes on the table in the back foyer. Please find yours and take them home. Thank you.
Prayer Tree
Prayer Tree is located on a wall in the Fellowship Hall near the windows. If you would like us to pray for you, please print your prayer request on the sticky note and place it on the tree. Prayer is offered daily.
Have/Need Board
The Have/Need Board is located the wall immediately inside the Fellowship Hall near the coffee. If you need something or have something please post it on the board (leave your phone number).
Let us know when your name, address, apartment, or phone number has changed. Many cards/letters have been returned because of wrong information on envelope. Please fill out the form on the table in the back foyer and put it in the specially marked box. You may also submit this information online by emailing the church office at with your name and the information that has changed.
Don’t forget to practice social distancing while in the building. Sit in the pews marked by the blue tape.