
Rev. Michael J. Robinson, Senior Pastor * 965 Delaware Ave, Buffalo, NY 14209 * Main Office: 716.884.0070 * Email: Office@DABC.ORG

2024 Posting

Announcements: Week of October 6th

**Carrie E. Breck, 1898**

Face to face! O blissful moment! Face to face – to see and know; face to face with my Redeemer, Jesus Crhist who loves me so.

**October is Pastor Appreciation Month**

Each Sunday will feature a different speaker offering words of encouragement for our pastors. A decorative box will be available for your cards, messages, letters, etc. to our Pastors.

**Tuesday, October 8th**

6:00PM – American Baptist Women’s Annual Missionary Night is a St. John Rev. Dr. Bennett W. Smith Family Life Center, 833 Michigan Avenue. Guest missionary speaker is Elder Kelly Diane Galloway of Ramp Global Missions. Bring a dish to pass for the pot luck. Signup sheet is on the table in the back foyer.

**Wednesday, October 9th**

5:00PM – Deacons meeting.

6:30PM – Bible Study & Prayer meeting.

**Thursday, October 10th**

6:00PM – Trustees meeting.

7:00PM – Official Board meeting.

**Saturday, October 12th**

10:00AM – Women of Faith meeting.

Pink Signup Sheet: If you are attending, put your name and check mark if van transportation is needed.

White Signup Sheet: Put your name and what you are bringing for the breakfast. Thank you.

**Also Saturday, October 12th**1

12 NOON – Fabric Ministry meeting.

**Sunday, October 13th**

Speaker: Jannette Mitchell

11:30AM – Girls Becoming Pearls.

11:30AM – Children’s Church (ages 4-6).

**Sunday, October 20th**

Speaker: Minnie Slaughter

11:30AM – Children’s Church (ages 7-12).

**Saturday, October 26th**

10:00AM – Men’s Fellowship Breakfast meeting.

12 NOON – Fabric Ministry meeting.


This month we are accepting monetary donations for the “Shoe Box Project.” Offering envelopes will be included in each bulletin for your convenience. Your participation is greatly appreciated. See the bulletin board for more details. Thank you.

**Coffee and Free Bread Items**

These items, when available, can be found in the Fellowship Hall after morning worship service.

Bulletin Boards:

Please review the following boards for new information and postings: (1) Employment board (2) Youth Activity board (3) Nurses information board (4) DABC activities board (5) I Have/I Need board (6) Prayer Tree.

Prayer Tree in Fellowship Hall:

If you need prayer, print your request on the sticky note and tape to the Prayer Tree in the Fellowship Hall (located on wall near piano & windows). We will pray for you. When your request has been answered, please remove the sticky note. Thank you.

**HAVE/NEED Board**

If you have something to give away or if you have a need, fill out the proper index card and tape to the Have/Need Board (located on wall inside the door of the Fellowship Hall). Someone may have what you need. Someone may need what you have.


We’re looking for new members for the Choir. If interested, please see Pastor Robinson or Tailisha Drayton.

Employment Board:

Job opportunities have been posted for youth and adults.

**Please Take A Few Minutes**

Review the 4 bulletin boards in the back foyer:

-Church Bulletin Board

-Employment Board

-Children & Youth Board

-Nurses Guild Board





Inclement Weather

Due to icy, stormy, or blizzard conditions, the church may have to close. Watch Channels 2, 4, & 7 to get “Close Now” strip at the bottom of your TV screen about closing and reopening. You may also view the Channels 2, 4, & 7 websites for listings not shone on the TV screen.


Let us know when your name, address, apartment, or phone number has changed. Many cards/letters have been returned because of wrong information on envelope. Please fill out the form on the table in the back foyer and put it in the specially marked box. You may also submit this information online by emailing the church office at dabc965@gmail.com with your name and the information that has changed.

Don’t forget to practice social distancing while in the building. Sit in the pews marked by the blue tape.

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