As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and He shall hear my voice.” -Psalm 55:16-17 (KJV)
World Mission Offering (WMO)
This year’s theme is “God is Doing Something New” (Isaiah 43:19). Global missionaries are unable to raise all funds anecessary for their ministries, so your generous gifts/donations are most appreciated & much needed. Sunday, September 25 is the last day that monetary donations will be accepted at DABC. Please find more information inserts in bulletin or donate to them directly online at International Missionaries website.
Bible Study Cancelled
It will resume, Wednesday, October 5, 2022 at 6:30PM in the Fellowship Hall.
Women of Faith Ministry
Will meet on Saturday, October 8th at 10am, to continue working on the upcoming event. Feel free to wear comfortable clothes as this will be a working meeting.
Meeting of the Congregation
Pastor Robinson has requested an urgent Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, October 9th immediately after the morning worship service. Members only to attend.
Saturday, October 29: Fall/Winter Clothing Giveaway Event
The Women of Faith will be hosting another FREE EVENT on Saturday, October 29th from 11am to 3pm. We will be giving away Fall/Winter clothing. We are looking for donations of gently used clean coats, gloves, scarves, hats, and sweaters for men, women, and children. A box will be in the back foyer for your donations. If you or someone you know is in need of these items, please let them know about the event. We will keep you posted. Thank you.
Shoe Box Project
Begins in October! Collected monies will be sent to “Samaritan’s Purse: Operation Christmas Child (OCC)” and they will pack and ship the shoe boxes for us.
Prayer Tree
Prayer Tree is located on a wall in the Fellowship Hall near the windows. If you would like us to pray for you, please print your prayer request on the sticky note and place it on the tree. Prayer is offered daily.
Have/Need Board
The Have/Need Board is located the wall immediately inside the Fellowship Hall near the coffee. If you need something or have something please post it on the board (leave your phone number).
Let us know when your name, address, apartment, or phone number has changed. Many cards/letters have been returned because of wrong information on envelope. Please fill out the form on the table in the back foyer and put it in the specially marked box. You may also submit this information online by emailing the church office at with your name and the information that has changed.
Don’t forget to practice social distancing while in the building. Sit in the pews marked by the blue tape.