7) July
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. [Romans 10.17, KJV]
One thing Pastor Robinson always says is:
The Word
+ Time Spent In It
There is an understanding that in these times we aren’t always able to attend church because of work, sickness, or shut in but, the Lord knows what’s on your heart. So, we should always take time to study the word of God, so that we can remain in fellowship with Him. Faith comes by hearing and we wanted to give those who may have missed church an opportunity to remain in fellowship.
New Sermons Added
You will now find new sermons from as far back as December 2 2012. Sermons of May 2018 will be available on this page, the following months and or serials of sermons will be available in the tabs under the arrow of this page. Each new post on the website, feel free to download them or just listen from the website. May God richly bless you.